Too Many Ingredients in the Pot

I attempted to do Camp NaNoWriMo for the month of April. I set my word goal at 10,000 words for the month. I started the month off really strong too. That first week I was ahead of schedule. Then, as always, life happened.

I know as a writer you’re supposed to keep writing no matter what’s going on in your life. You are supposed to write every day.

My problem? Well, I think it’s that I have entirely too many things in the pot at one time. There’s no way I can work effectively and efficiently on everything. So now comes the time to prioritize. I have to decide what’s most important and work on those things. Whatever I decide stays in the pot, I will need to carve time out of my day – every day – to work on it. It’s the only way I can be successful.

So here’s to getting things prioritized, reaching goals, and being successful.


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